Thursday, December 06, 2007

re:Christmas Movies

Some things just cannot be explained.

Such as, two of my favorite movies which I LOVE. They are Home Alone I and Home Alone 2.

(Okay, stop laughing.)

No, really. If ever I need to get into a Christmassy mood, I put in one of those Home Alone dvd's and within an hour, I'm feeling like winter snow is a beautiful thing (living in the stuff, I tend to forget). The music from the opening credits reminds me of sitting long ago in between Tom and an 8-year-old Naomi at the theater and feeling a marvelous sense of anticipation. Kevin's big house makes me want to redecorate my own (and I dream about renovating a house like his uncle's), the second movie almost convinces me to visit New York City, and both films make me want to gather with extended family who are all so far away.

So I guess I explained it a little, though many of you now have serious doubts about either my sanity or my taste in movies. Or both. :)

My other favorite Christmas movies which I've watched, like the Home Alone films, twenty or more times?

It's a Wonderful Life
The Snowman
A Christmas Carol (George C. Scott version)
Bachelor Mother
While You Were Sleeping
Christmas In Connecticut
Miracle on 34th Street

And although Christmas isn't my favorite season, many of these movies are ones I've been caught watching even in Summer, etc. There's just something about them which can't always be explained.

But that's ok. Why do we feel we must explain or justify our likes, anyway?


Does anyone else love the first two Home Alone movies? Please let me know in my comment box. Those of you who hate them (or think you hate them), well, you don't have to tell me. ツ

Oh, and probably most of you haven't seen The Snowman. I highly recommend watching it at least once. The music score, alone, is worth the price of rent.



  1. I like them, Debra. They're certainly require that old "willing suspension of disbelief" but they are funny, and I remember laughing at them with Paul.

  2. This was a smile enfused entry. I LOVE it when you review the movies. I value your opinion so much. But there were some movies there I have never heard of: The Snowman; Ebbie; and Bachelor Mother. Old or new?

    I will check on the Home Alone movies...I just don't know what we have anymore.

  3. You don't have to justify liking the Home Alone movies. They did very well at the box office which means that a lot of people share your love of them.

    Our son James recently got a DVD set of the Home Alone movies so he's been watching them. It's good to know that he loves them too.

  4. Debra, you are definitely not alone here. I love all the Home Alones for almost the same reasons you do, and my husband loves them too. We happen to own the DVDs, you know, for the grands to watch!;)
    I'm pretty sure I've never seen The Snowman but I've seen all the others on your list. I suppose It's a Wonderful Life will always and forever be my favorite.

  5. My favorite is "Holiday Inn". I must have watched "The Snowman" at a depressing point in my life. I like it, but it makes me feel a weird sort of sadness, more than a movie should provoke.

    And, it just wouldn't be New Year's Eve over here without my husband and I watching "When Harry Met Sally".

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM


    Is the Snowman movie the animated one where he flies through the air? It's based on a childrens book? If so, I've seen it and the music is, not sure how to describe it. My older boys used to watch that video over and over. They would go around humming the music. I miss my boys.

  7. i laughed till i cried at the first home alone! and i enjoyed the second one too ... :o)

    i like all the movies you mentioned ... and leo and i really laughed at the Christmas Story - reminders of days gone past, growing up in the fifties ...

    i have the nativity story yet to see ... i have heard it's good - i hope so ...

    blessings on you ...


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