Tuesday, December 18, 2007

re:Poor Ol' Rudolph

Sunday night our local Canadian tv station showed Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer and I smiled as I recalled this post from last year:


Okay, now I'm not trying to start some new, crazy movement nor am I trying to ban the song Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer (just in case you start thinking that's my aim).

No, I'm just making an observation.

The song, Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer bothers me and I can't help but roll my eyes each time I hear it on the radio. The movie (which I grew-up watching and loving), bugs me, too.

I mean, think about it. Here's this adorably-cute reindeer who just happened to be born with a bright, red nose. As if he could help it! And suddenly he grows up, goes to reindeer school and gets ridiculed by all his intolerant, bratty little schoolmates just because his nose is different. Just because his bright, cherry-red nose isn't small, dark and boring liking everyone else's.

And because of that one tiny difference, he's laughed to scorn and the majority don't take the time to discover that really, Rudolph, is a darn nice kid, uh, reindeer. He loves his parents, he's sweet and he just wants to be loved and accepted like everyone else at reindeer school. But no, that's asking too much. Even his teachers laugh at him.

But then, poof! Suddenly, Christmas Eve rolls in all foggy-like and since Santa can't see to drive his sleigh, Christmas is nearly cancelled. But then someone remembers that goofy little kid, Rudolph, the one with the nose like a huge red lantern, and Rudolph is whisked to the head of the reindeer pack and Christmas is saved, thanks to that funny little kid... uh, reindeer, who, just the previous week, was considered a royal loser.

Oh but now--now!--Rudolph is considered a hero. And then how the reindeer 'loved him' (if that's love, I'll take spaghetti). They even shouted-out with glee, because of course, now, Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer is going down in history.

But only now, only after he proved himself a useful member of society. Only after his 'disability' saved Christmas for all of mankind. Only after Rudolph became a valuable asset, a famous reindeer and a credit to his family and the entire world at large.

Give me a break!

Right there is the kind of stuff which is messing us all up, stressing us out and making us appreciation-hungry nuts. The fact is, Rudolph was valuable before that foggy Christmas Eve. He was a creation of God, a son, a friend, a member of woodland society and just a sweet little deer. And here is the truth:

Today you are valuable to God.
Today God loves you just as you are, famous or unknown.--for you are not unknown to Him.
Today God would have sent Jesus to die for you, even if you were the only person on Earth.
Today, with God, you are a winner, not a loser.
Today, you do not have to prove yourself to God. He knows your weaknesses and He loves you anyway. And He's standing ready to give you His strength in those areas.
Today, even if you overcame all your weaknesses, God would not love you any better than He does right this minute.
Today God is thrilled that you are His child and He wouldn't trade you for all the perfect, got-it-all together, famous, Christmas-saving people in the whole World.


And I hope you'll remember that.



  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I loved your thoughts on this last year and haven't been able to get them out of my head since I regularly see cartoons geared towards children insisting that to be important they must be "heroes" and "save" something or someone. Give me a break.

    Anyway...thanks for the beautifully summed up words at the end of your post. You are so right!!

    AND....because I haven't had a chance before now to tell you - I am so excited for this new adventure you are on with Tom and your new home. I'll miss you if you aren't around as much, but I'm excited to hear about all your mini-adventures and the things you learn or think about along the way when you get a chance to sneak over to the library!!

  2. Hi Debra,
    I've been reading your blog well over a year now and it always amazes me that you see a life-lesson in such small details. Rather I should say, God shows you the life-lessons because you pay attention!
    Thanks for sharing your insight.

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post! :o)

  4. Hi Debra,

    Hope you are finding moments to breath and be peaceful, but actually, I'm sure you are, even with all that's going on in your life....I'm going to reread the end of your post every day for a while now. I think I need. it.


  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    True but society doesn't view people like that.

  6. Great post! as the crowds cheer...


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.