Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Gifts For My Readers

Since I like to keep Christmas as simple as possible, I am offering, again, the Christmas gifts I've given you, my readers, the last three years (with some new gifts added). I enjoy giving them early in case you would like to share some of the gifts with your own friends and family. (I will be re-checking the links throughout the day to make sure they still work...).

Wishing you all an early Merry Christmas... I appreciate your readership and friendship so much!

Printable Bookmarks

To watch free movies online go here:

Movie Flix

To listen, free, to old radio shows from the 1930's and 40's, go here:

Radio Lovers

To walk in and visit a beautiful cottage home, go here:

Becky's Cottage

For free Christmas gift tags and enclosures, go here:

Christmas Fun

To have fun trying on clothes online (forget those depressing dressing rooms! This is more like the days of paper dolls--and you are the doll.)--go here:

Lands End (Click on My Virtual Model to get started.)

To receive a free issue of Good Old Days Magazine (no credit card required), go here:

Good Old Days Magazine (Scroll down to 'Send No Money Now' when subscribing.)

If you enjoy Victorian photography, go here:

Victorian and Edwardian Photography

To download free charts and lists to help keep you and your family organized, go here:

Digital Women

For lots of cool old black and white photos from life in the 1930's, go here:

The 1930's

For free dollhouse accessory printables, go here:

Dollhouse Printables

To find amazing pictures to copy and paste into your blog or in emails for friends, go here:

All Posters

If you are into the fairy scene, go here:

Wee Folk Studio
Cecily Mary Barker

If you would someday like to visit 'Mayberry', go here:

Mt. Airy NC

If you were a big fan of 'The Waltons,' go here:

The Waltons

To read hundreds of classic books online, go here:

Page By Page Books

If you like vintage paper dolls, go here:

Betsy McCall
Dress the Digital Dolls (there's more than one page)

To receive a free issue of Reminisce Magazine (no credit card required), go here:

Reminisce Magazine (click on Bill Me Later when subscribing)

If you'd like to go window shopping in New York City, go here:

Beautiful Christmas Windows

Roger Ebert's List of 100 Best Films:

Best Films

To read inspiring stories:

Capper's Magazine

To visit a dollhouse castle go here:

Dollhouse Castle (Click 'next' to visit more rooms.)

All about homemaking creatively and on a budget:

Heart for Home

To make your own kitchen mixes:

Homemade Mixes

To visit an imaginative tea room:

Prudence's Tea Room (Click on photos to enlarge.)


If you'd like to do something kind for fellow bloggers, leave comments at the blogs of those who almost never receive comments.

Add blogs to your blogroll. It's a compliment when you do so.

If a blogger's writing has meant something to you this year, let him/her know.



  1. What lovely gifts! Thank you!

    And you 'beat me,' in the use of that precious Christmas graphic. :-) All of them are sweet.

    And I wish you the happiest of simple Christmases. Enjoy it to the fullest. Who knows when you can "get away with" having such, again. :-)


  2. i'm so glad i met you through this weird and wonderful world of blogging! :o)

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    nice ideas...thanks a lot!


  4. Hi Debra,
    Just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the wonderful "Cyber Gifts"!! I am still enjoying browsing these sights. I even found on the 1930's site, a place close to where I live here in the mountains of VA called The Carter Family Fold. This place is a memorial to the legendary Carter Family, including June Carter Cash, wife of Johnny. She grew up right here in these hills!
    Thanks again for sharing and I'll continue to enjoy this gift!

  5. Thank you, My family is one that has all the Walton's' dvd's it is a part of our family movie night tradition. This is a wonderful site. How thoughtful of you
    Merry Christmas

  6. Nice - thanks!

    How are you doing in the storm, btw?

  7. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Thank you for the gifts. My mom's name is Prudence so I am going to send her the link to the tea room.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.