Sunday, November 18, 2007

So yesterday Tom and I went out on a date. Yes, after nearly 29 years we still go out. We went to the movie theater, but do you know what? For only the third time ever, we each watched a different movie. Tom really, really wanted to see Beowulf (barfo... But he loved it.). I really, really wanted to see Dan In Real Life (and I loved that way more than I'd thought I would, even.).

Afterward, we went to the local buffet restaurant and chatted about the movies we'd seen and about the previews we'd watched, too, many which made us ask, "Why do they only squeeze all the great movies into, like, December through March instead of spreading them out over the whole year?" (Living in snow country, we really don't appreciate that since we tend to hibernate during those months.)

Anyway. How freeing it feels to not get all mad, hurt and upset if Tom doesn't want to see the movie I'm longing to see. In the old days, I could sulk for a week about that and say things like, "There's no way we're gonna sit in separate theaters! We either go together or we stay home." (And then stay home, in separate rooms, because we were mad and disappointed in each other.)

How wonderful to grow-up! To crave peace more than having one's own controlling way. To give the other person space to be who they are and freedom to see the movie they prefer. And then to return home and spend even more happy time together sharing--online-- the previews we'd seen separately at the theater. (Oh, and have you seen the National Guard 'movie video'? It wasn't shown in Tom's theater so we viewed it together online. Made me all teary-eyed all over again.)

I totally recommend Dan In Real Life. I came away feeling like I'd attended my own family reunion in the most amazing old house (complete with a 'kids' table') on a misty-grey lake. Such a decent movie and I never once felt embarrassed for the two teeny-bopper girls in front of me in the nearly-empty theater (our theater is nearly always nearly-empty, that's why I love it). Yes, it was so devoid of bad language, sex and violence that at one point I asked myself, "Do they even make movies like this anymore?"

So refreshing... and such a simple, fun Saturday here in our tiny spot of the world.


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    My husband and I have a date next weekend after Thanksgiving and we are so excited to go see this movie. We really like Steve Carell and this movie looked wonderful - I'm so glad you liked it!

    I recently saw The Martian Child with John Cusack and it was a beautiful movie! Not a single thing in it that made me cringe (though plenty that made me cry weepy big tears - in good ways).

    P.S. I can't comment as much as I've wanted to lately, but I hope that you and Tom have a beautiful Thanksgiving weekend together. I am so grateful to know you as a blogger friend and as a real-life, genuine person. I have been a better wife, mother and woman for having known you, as you allow God and His grace to speak through your transparency and honesty. You are dearly cherished and loved.

  2. Mmmmmm... A Juliette Binoche film. And one I'm sure I'd enjoy.

    Last one of her's I rented was Caché. Ugh... Thank you for a suggestion, to wipe that 'loser' out of my mind.


  3. we wait for the "good" movies to come on the movie channel, since leo can't sit for long periods (or short ones!) ... then we make popcorn and watch it ... sometimes it takes awhile before we get those good movies ... i like action movies, leo likes the quiet down home family tales ...

    glad you guys had a date night ...

  4. This is so true. It is so freeing to not have our own will so big and bold as to over shadow another's heart. I have heard a lot of good about this movie

  5. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Peace...wonderful peace!! How I crave it too and am so glad when it is in place! As it ought to be! Today was one of those days for us too...we shopped and ate out and talked and rode in the car. A good day!

    Thanks for the recommends for a good movie...for a change, eh?! So nice to find good ones!

  6. What a nice post! Food for thought too. Happy Thanksgiving Debra!


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