Sunday, November 25, 2007

So guess whose anniversary is today? Yes, Tom's and mine. Twenty-nine years! (Or as we like to joke each time, 29 looong, hard years).

So this afternoon we went to the movie theater (yes, again) and saw August Rush. We loved it. Though the part about Evan's parents' love-at-first-sight-and-spend-one-night-together-and-never-see-each-other-again-yet-remain-in-love-forever relationship was extremely far-fetched (though actually, it is pretty darn easy to remain in love with somebody who you never, ever share a house with). heh. 

But fortunately, Tom and I go to movies to be entertained, not to dice them up and compare them to real-life. We are more romantically-inclined than that.

Anyway, then we went out to lunch where we looked through the newspaper for places to rent and (after hyperventilating at high prices) toyed with the idea of buying a cheap mobile home instead. Whereupon we drove to a mobile home park and found a home for sale with a view of a huge river and now we're waiting to hear back from the sellers. The mobile home parks in our area tend to be, well, ghastly, but this one was an exception. Never before have we had what one might call a 'view' and well, a whole huge, lazy blue river! That would make up for much.

While driving around I told Tom that obviously, we still do not know for certain what we want to do next because one week we're discussing moving to Richmond and Tom's taking a job there. Then the next week we're talking about buying a tiny farm outright in Mt. Airy, NC, where Tom would either retire or go on disability. But the following week we're having second thoughts about leaving Naomi, so we're toying with retiring here and buying a country house and just not venturing out on snowy days (but then it hits us--we've already seen everything around here and we want new adventures). And then the next week, we're talking about moving out to the West Coast to be nearer our families and ---.

Good grief. Maybe everyone experiences this at various stages in their lives, well, everyone who's not afraid to take chances. To rip up stakes from the safe zone they've settled in for years. I don't know.

Anyway, just thought I'd mention our anniversary. Most days I don't even feel as though I've yet reached 29-years-old so it astounds me that I've been married that long. Seems like only yesterday---


P.S. Forgot to mention that Tom and I were the only people in the whole theater. That's a fun thing because we can talk throughout the movie like we always do at home. You know, say things out loud like, "Yeah, I'm so sure that would happen," or, "Cool guitar playing, huh?" or, "I saw that guy on a talk show and he said he did all his own singing." ツ



  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Happy, happy, happy anniversary! It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Happy Anniversary!!!

    How nice that you have options and choices to toy with. I look forward to reading as you continue on your journey of discovering what you want to do with the rest of your lives!

  3. We're coming right up on 29 yrs. Long and hard and untradable...priceless as it were.
    May your next 29 be doubly blessed!

    I just bought a car in Mt Airy...just have to figure out how to get it home.

  4. Happy Anniversary!!!!

  5. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Happy Anniversary! No small feat in today's world!! We are doing a lot of the same kind of talking. Not sure how long hubby will still have a job here...and we need to for him to keep a job for quite a while yet. So much to consider!! Just have to pray our way through, don't we? Blessings on your journey!!

  6. Happy Anniversary from another

  7. Belated Happy Anniversary to you both!!! I hope you had a very special and romantic day.

  8. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Happy Anniversary Debra!

  9. Dear Debra and Tom, My sincere congratulations on this landmark on your journey! God bless you!

  10. Happy {Belated} Anniversary to you both!


  11. it sounds like you guys had a lovely anniversary ... CONGRATS!!!

    i remember that pic from another time that you posted it ... i liked it then - and still like it! :o)

    hope your next 29 is even more fun!!!

  12. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Happy Anniversary Debra (and Tom too!!!)
    Sounds like you had a great one! Congrats on 29 years!
    :-) Wishing you 29 more happy years togteher!!


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