Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tom and I will most likely be flying out to see my parents at the end of this month. My dad is back in the hospital; it appears he has Parkinson's and little time left to remember us, and well, little time left.

So much of what I've written in this blog is now being put to the test and vast amounts of my life are more up in the air, unsettled, than ever. But you know? God has been preparing me for weeks, months, even years for this unsettled time. He's been keeping me close to His heart, stopping me in the middle of my days and calling me to come sit with Him so He can infuse me with the strength, courage and trust I'll need later. 

He knows all about--and is great at--later. 

And if I'm smart, I'll keep coming away with Him even when it would seem a better use of time to keep busy in certain situations. Even when coming away seems like the slow, lazy and unproductive way.

Jesus knows best. Always has, always will. And as long as I remain calm in His peace, everything will be all right. One way or another. Or yet another way still.



  1. Prayers coming your way!

  2. This time {of parents passing} comes to all of us, in one way or the other. A natural part of life. I wish you well, in your time.


  3. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Not easy when we become the older generation...I still miss my mom so much and it has been over 6 years now. Prayers as you must make this journey.

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I know what you are going through with your dad being so ill. Mine is in the last stages of his illness with aneurysms. I am the only child, so my husband has been so good helping me with so much.

    I can see God's protection in alot that has happened. I know you see it too.

    My prayers are with you and your family.


  5. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Sorry about your dad, Debra.

    Praying for you and your family.


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