Tuesday, October 09, 2007

When God Asks That We Pause

Sometimes, like now, I cannot be alone enough. The day doesn't hold enough hours for me to get my fill of being by myself.

I know, that sounds, well, odd. But it's what I was thinking just now while sitting at our dining room table, reading, pausing at times to gaze out the windows to stormy skies.

I hope you don't think it's a bad thing, this craving whole days of aloneness. Actually, I've learned to recognize it as a healing time, a preparation time, a strengthening time. My days and months ahead will hold enormous changes, so God is preparing me and giving me an overflow of aloneness to draw from for the upcoming days when my pace will quicken and I'll be far away in unfamiliar places. And most likely, praying for some minutes alone.

I can fight these times, or I can hold them close. I can whine, "What will everybody else think?" or I can just enjoy the solitude, the silence and His breath at my ear.

Going where He is leading, well, always it's my choice. And when it's His will, there is always a way.



  1. I can really relate to the feeling of wanting and loving, being alone.
    I think you have to be content, and like your own company, to feel like this.
    My husband travels quite a bit, for his job, and I use this alone time to read, write, and just think.
    Enjoy the time alone, and you will be refreshed, and look forward to being with others.

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Debra, I love my tme alone too. I crave it.... in fact I think I actually *need* it! What a great time to communicate with God, just me and Him - no interruptions.

  3. I don't find it odd in any way. It makes perfect sense...if more people understood and accepted that aloneness can be healing they might not be so wounded or unrefreshed.

  4. my morning times ... that i now have to share with a wild kitty ... are my alone times .... though i do crave more sometimes ... but all things in Gods times and Gods ways ...


  5. I have too much alone time, I thought, He thinks differently.

    I have not been in Blogland as regularly as I used to, I am caught up now.

    I offer you that if the eagle doesn't fall because of His power, then neither will you. You fly with Him.

    The change of perspective is awesome.

  6. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Alone time...now there's an idea. Hard to get around here and I could definately use more of it.

  7. Ah,alone time. I love it. I'm looking forward to some when I travel with my husband on a business trip to Boston in November. Sweet bliss!

  8. You sound like a nun!

  9. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I'm a home schooling mom with a part time job, and my husband works full time, commuting an hour each way, and is the voluntary teaching pastor at our church of 900 members ...

    I crave alone time so much, I actually look forward to errands on the weekends!

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Debra, I too LOVE alone time, I don't think it strange at all! I can see from the comments that we are not alone in this desire :o) I wonder how I will adjust from having so much alone time, to adjusting to my hubby being retired and home every day....it sure will be different!
    Blessings, Kathy(yes, I am still lurking about)

  11. Debra, I think we are kindred spirits because you sound just like me. I love how you wrote this from the heart, it's beautiful.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.