Saturday, October 06, 2007

I'm still here... Some people race around telling everyone their problems, other people spend time alone to avoid talking about what's happening. I have always been of the latter camp. So if I don't write here much this month, don't worry--I'm just being me.

And too, I'm preparing for our trip out to California later this month to visit my parents. Tom got the plane tickets, but can you believe I won't be able to sit beside him all the way from New York City to Portland? Well, barring a miracle or a nice, understanding person who doesn't mind switching seats. Or is that illegal in today's world? (She asks, not being a frequent flyer... not being a frequent risker of life and limb. heh.)

God's been sitting beside me on the couch, nudging me, reminding me to count my blessings. And of course, He is always number one on that blessings list. It's amazing all the small things I've added to that list:

It's autumn, my favorite season
Our house is in nicer condition than ever, since we've been readying it to sell
At least it's not snowing
Our bills are all paid
Our daughter is healthy and happy
Things, all-around, could be much worse fact, sadly, we were reminded of that last thing yesterday when we discovered Tom's co-worker's brother was killed in Florida this week in a road rage incident. His 12-year-old son was with him and is in critical condition and his mother (the man's wife) was just told she has only three years to live.

That certainly put things in perspective for me. Knocked some sense into me and a whole bunch of self-pity out of me. Big-time.

For the past year as Tom and I have taken country drives, sat in movie theaters and eaten breakfasts inside many old-fashioned diners, God has whispered to me, "Treasure these times while you have them. Appreciate them and store each detail inside your memory."

Well, you hear that kind of thing and it can make you panic and ask, "Why? Is there something dreadful looming just around the corner?" Yet I didn't ask that question, because I prefer to keep believing for the best. I refuse to even think our best years have been lived already. And besides, if I'm dreading the future it becomes impossible (for me) to treasure the present.

Anyway. I appreciate, so very much, all the comments you left after my last post. They've reminded me that God provides a way where there is no way. And trust me, that's one Bible verse which has been zipping around my head a whole lot lately. That one, and:

"You will keep Him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you."

And right there is the challenge--to keep my mind on Him and not on the problem(s). To keep my mind in a peaceful place--a place of trust-- so I can more clearly hear from God as to what I should do in each situation as it arrives.


Romans 15:13
"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope, through the Holy Spirit."

Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."


  1. I'm not sure where you are located but it is Thanksgiving in Canada and so I just wanted to wish you a very happy, peaceful and blessed Thanksgiving. I prayed for you today.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Pray that the LORD will continue to hold you both in HIS hands during these times of change! So sorry to hear of more troubles for your husband physically. It is so hard to deal with chronic health issues, how well we know. But as Saija says, it helps to focus on our eternal HOME...and we know that HE will always be with us. Blessings as you search for HIS will for you. We seem to stay in that mode too...our life seems to hold changes every few years, especially these last 7 years. And at this age (55 and 57) we think it will continue.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.