Wednesday, September 05, 2007

So there Tom and I were yesterday, at the computer, trying to discover a way for me to get to California. 

We considered everything except perhaps Mississippi river boat or oxen cart. I even thought of the time when Lucy and Ethel found a ride with a woman via the newspaper and they all thought each other was an axe murderer. heh.

Eventually, it all got to us. 

What with trains which leave at midnight from sleazy depots five cities away from us, to buses with six transfers and which leave at 6:00 in the morning from Oregon. And just the whole thought of myself, Mrs. Little Homebody, traveling through the vast Midwest alone. So a couple arguments later (Tom kept trying to force me onto planes), we decided to go out for lunch at a recently discovered hole-in-the-wall 1920's cafe in our town, and that was pleasant. Refreshing. 

We could smile and joke around again.

Not wishing to return home, we drove to the next-town-over to see the movie, Mr. Bean's Vacation. Oh. My. Goodness. Exactly what the Doctor ordered! Within five minutes we laughed until the tears came and then stepped away feeling as though we'd been on a relaxing vacation (to France, even!) ever. 

How true that laughter is the best medicine--but I've already blogged about that. 

Anyway, this morning I read an email my sister sent last night--they're sending my dad home today(!). Seems there was minimal damage to his heart, beta blockers (and etc.) will help and if he takes better care of himself, he should be around a bit longer.

So I'm not currently planning to cross our Country alone and Tom and I will keep a Plan A and B in mind for the future so we can travel out there together at the right time.

And during all that planning yesterday? That trying to jam and crash this square peg into a round hole? I recalled whole years I lived that way. How, if I followed Grace and Peace, it only happened by accident. And after feeling the ol' "let's force this, even if it doesn't feel right" thing yesterday, that's when we went to lunch. Stopped what wasn't working and had no anointing.

That's when the peace returned, especially when we returned to trusting that God makes a way where there is none. And if He wants me someplace else? He'll get me there.

We needed to step back on board with Him and over to the theater for a couple hours with Mr. Bean, who brought both laughter and the sunshine once more.


I wanted to thank each of you who commented after my last post so much! Your words were encouraging, soothing and added Grace to my day. And my whole attitude. Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you.



  1. Thank you for this reminder of the value, nay, the necessity of humor. But more than that, the reminder to trust, for God truly does have all things under control.

    I read/told the story of Jacob's "wrastling" match with the angel/man. Interestingly, in Gen. 32, he prays (carefully reminding God of all his promises) and then he plans. Great lesson in how not to do it. Then there's the meeting with Esau--oh, dread and horror. All that anticipatory grief and angst. God had worked on Esau, preped him for the encounter. It's all good. That's how God works.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    So glad things worked out for you Debra.

    I saw a Mr. Bean show while on the plane back from Alaska. My husband and I were laughing so hard. I must go see that movie.

  3. Giving thanks with you.

  4. Dear Debra, I'm glad for you that your father has rounded the corner with his health. We know the relief....we came close to losing my dh's sister this week. She too is doing much better. I've enjoyed reading your post...'the square peg in the round hole'...what insight you And how true. I'm feeling relieved you're not about to make that scary sounding jouny alone...shiver me timbers...and I'll be on the look-out for the Mr.Bean movie. Hope you have a wonderful day....the sun is shining, thats always a cheerful start to the day for me...and also to stop and reach up for God's hand to a solid start too. The B..I...B...L...E. Here I come...=) (Can you tell I JUST got up??) Just online for a minute...

  5. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Wow...what good news about your dad! I so emphathize with you...would be going through these same exact struggles...I travel about town alone, that is all! Seems life is mostly one struggle after another...and most all we do nothing to invite...just part of living on earth. My latest struggle is getting no sleep due to a neglected dog next door that mourns LOUDLY ALL NIGHT LONG...if I did not love dogs so, it might help. So been praying for solutions to occur! Today I am glad we are renting, as we have an easier solution than do others who own!!

  6. so glad your dad is doing better! and as you wrote a few pots back, we have these "tests" in our walk ... this may have been such a one you spoke of ...

    ((hugs)) and blessings on you and the fam!

  7. I am so glad to hear that your dad is better.


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