Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'll Be Glad When....

Probably you--or someone you know--often says, "I'll be glad when...."

You know, "I'll be glad when this day is over." ...or...

"I'll be glad when my kids are in school." Or, "I'll be glad when my kids are out of school."

"I'll be glad when we have more money." "I'll be glad when I feel better."

"I'll be glad when winter/summer/spring/fall is over." Or, "I'll be glad when we go on vacation... (or when we get home from vacation...)"

"I'll be glad when I'm home from the dentist...... or when we have a better house/car/computer/Life... or when my kids get married/pregnant/divorced/remarried..."

And on and on for as long as eternity lasts.

Me? I often used to say, "I'll be glad when..." But now I just enjoy being glad today. Even while things are imperfect. Up in the air. Unsettled.

I've learned that if I wait to have all my ducks in a row--if I wait to be glad only when everything is just the way I like it--well, most likely, I'll never be glad.

And how awful would that be? To go through life never, or even just seldom, feeling glad? To me, that's a new definition of the word 'tragedy':

Tragedy-- living whole decades of ones life always putting off gladness for a supposedly better time. And then dying, never realizing gladness was like gratitude and was available thousands of days... and that gratitude could have been the beginning of feeling better and more hopeful.

Oh my, that's much too large a risk for me to take. I think I'll keep on choosing to just be glad in this moment--anyway.


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    A wonderful word, as usual, have be so on my mind and hear lately....I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to "get to know you"!

  2. A marvelous reminder that it's not about having a perfect life but about having a great attitude to the things that come our way.

  3. Yes, I often think this way. It is so hard to be thankful when one is such a sinful person!!! :)

  4. I remember realizing that I would be glad when I decided to be glad.

    I'm glad I learned that.

    Sometimes, I forget though.

  5. This IS the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be GLAD in IT!


  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    sheesh....can I not type or what? In the above post I meant to say " you've been so on my mind and heart lately..... :)
    Is it age or what?

  7. We can be like Pollyanna and play the Glad game! Which makes me think I haven't watched or read that book in ages. Netflex here I come! Have a great weekend Debra!

  8. Debi--thanks so much for your prayers! I can really use them. I've been having a bad case of the "shoulds" and "oughts" instead of just being obedient to God which is always a whole lot less complicated. So thanks again!
    Rodney--true! We'll have a very long wait to be happy if we're waiting for a *perfect* life. :)
    R--we can just be thankful for a God who now sees us as forgiven people through what Jesus did for us! For me, that changed everything.
    Judy--I love that--being glad when I decide to be glad!
    Daisymarie--yep, great verse which I should have added to the end of this post. :)
    Debi--I knew what you meant...heh... And I do that sort of thing all the time now that I'm in my 40's. I used to be so precise but those days are long gone! :)
    Ann--thanks! And yes, the Pollyanna game often goes through my mind.:)
    Thanks, Everyone! Debra


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