Monday, September 10, 2007

I was thinking this morning that I hate it when people don't take care of their bodies and then, years later, they blame God--and question His goodness--when their bodies crumble. And then I thought, hey! I should write a list in my blog today about all the things I hate that other people do. You know, a type of pet peeve list.

But God interrupted me. He said, "Hmm... Debra--how about if you write a list about the things you hate which you do, instead."

Er. Don't you love it when He nails you like that? :)

Ok, so here's my list.

I hate it when I procrastinate writing emails and doing my housework and answering blog comments and mowing the lawn and paying bills. And then walk around all day with those undone things bugging me in my head.

I hate it when I worry--about anything.

I hate it when I'm trying to declutter my house (and my life) and it just about kills me to get rid of certain things.

I hate it when I can recall useless stuff (like the name of a 1970's actor), but I can't remember to take my vitamins or what I did yesterday.

I hate it when Tom asks me a favor and I whine and moan about it.

I hate it when I spend hours dreading functions where there will be a lot of people--and then I end up having a great time at those functions.

There are more, of course.

But notice that I said I hate it, and not I hate myself. Oh my--never hate yourself! That's a sure way to stunt your spiritual growth. People who hate themselves tend to try avoiding God (or godly people) because they feel lowly, unworthy, guilty and embarrassed. And when we avoid God (or try, anyway) we are sunk. We stop growing. We backslide. We stop changing. Why? Because without God's help we go nowhere. There's no advancing in our walk with Him. Only through Him do we grow and change and find peace and serenity and wisdom.

Jesus said we're to love our neighbor as ourself. So go ahead--love yourself. It's ok. It's more than ok--it's a command. It's only when we go overboard and are in love with ourselves that we find trouble. But I've found that if I stay in love with God, then everything else falls into right places. Eventually. Most things do take time. And patience. And cooperating with God's ideas and ways.

And how incredible that He--seriously--never stops loving us in the middle.


  1. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Great post, Deborah.

    I'd add that I hate it when I drop certain hobbies that I absolutely love for months, or even years, at a time (cross-stitching, knitting, playing my guitar ...).

    And I absolutely love the photo for this post! Where do you find all of your images?

  2. he never stops loving us in the middle

    i really like that phrase and that truth!!!

  3. Yes I sure do understand how it feels when the Lord leads me to take a good look at myself! There's so many things that need improvement.
    Yesterday I was reading in first Corinthians about 'Charity.I am praying the lord will help me in this area as my remarks about people who have been mean to me are not always very nice.

  4. Mandy--thanks! I find the images, most of them, at Just plug in a subject name in the search box and many paintings will pop up. It's a great source.
    Daisymarie--and it's the truth! :)
    Mountain Mama--a great thing for all of us to pray about!
    Thanks, Everyone!.... Debra


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