Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This and That

Yesterday was fun. I met with a woman from the Maud Hart Lovelace online email group and we did the 'Tacy Tour' here in my area. (No axe-murdering took place. heh. She and I shared stories of how our mothers, especially, get concerned when we visit with people we met online.) 

The real Tacy of the Betsy-Tacy books moved to Buffalo after her marriage, Maud Hart Lovelace (Betsy) often visited her here, and both 'Tacy' and her husband are buried nearby. For photos from our day together, go here. But if you've not read the books, the photos will probably, well, not exactly thrill your heart.

Then after lunch at that Happy Days-like place on the river, she followed me in her car miles and miles out to the countryside, the road Tom and I take amongst all the farmland, barns and cobblestone houses, the road which would take her home. We stopped at the secluded book cabin I've told you about, left our quarters and bills in the metal box by the door (remember, this is the tiny place run on the honor system) then said good-bye. Ah, another gold star day for my diary.


And then there's today.

My, my. After that whirlwind, memorable activity yesterday and after all the cleaning of the house the past week and a half (and all the people walking through it, even last night), well, today has been quiet. 

I keep feeling I should GO somewhere. DO something. SPEND some money. But God keeps saying, "Just enjoy the quietness of home. Read some books and sit on the porch. Relax. Spend some extra time with me."

Normally, I have no problem just hanging-out. Normally, I pray for days like this. But you get used to a faster pace and it becomes harder to come down from that.

So often I only think I want something, when really, I'm not even certain I'd like it if I got it. I mean, I'll be out and busy then start wishing to be home alone in the silence. Or so often on Tom's days off he's wanted me to watch a movie with him or to travel someplace and I've thought, "Sigh. If only I could just have a day all to myself."

Well, Tom's away and now I have these few days to myself. And frankly? Doing Sunday afternoon alone was enough. Those hours felt long enough for no constraints upon my time.

Now guess who's happily anticipating Tom's return? 

And more, I've been reminded--

interruptions aren't so bad after all 
a To Do List isn't something to dread
nor is structure a curse. 

Not always having my own way means I have adventures I never would have had otherwise.

Oh, and often what I desire is only a tad of something, not a huge amount. Usually what I need is only a small change.

And may I remember that.


Most days? What I need isn't more money or a larger house, but more wisdom and creativity. Not more attention or fame, but more humility. Not more time, but more wisely-spent time. Not better friends or relatives, but more forgiveness--and mercy.



  1. Well said! I really enjoyed your Tacy pictures! I'm going to have to re-read my books.

  2. Your comment about "pace" really caused me to reflect on recent days. I would so like to slow down. Life feels pressured and rushed. My heart is tired. Perhaps that's where this physical pain is coming from: the body's way of screaming slow down.

    I have to find a way to listen.

  3. Anonymous9:54 AM

    "What I need most isn't...." well said, Debra!
    Loved the pictures...thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. surfing over from Sara's..nice to meet you...those days off can be burdensome can't they? :)contentment can be an illusive thing can't it? :) enjoy your time till hubby's return

  5. ... so often I only think I want something, when really, I'm not even certain I'd like it if I got it.

    I understand. Sometimes, what we think will be best, isn't.

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Wonderful post again! Enjoyed seeing the pictures, what a sweet house, love the blue :o) Curious to read the books now.....


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.