Sunday, August 19, 2007

So the For Sale sign is on the front lawn and already two couples are scheduled to tour the house, one for this afternoon and the other for tomorrow at 3:00.

And I am surrounded by such incredible peace about selling our house.

No, really! Of course, it helps that I feel Grace all over this and also? Our high temperature yesterday was only 68 degrees.

Besides feeling beyond-ready for a new adventure, the first-born-neat-freak-June-Cleaver part of my personality loves keeping a neat, ready-for-company house. Part of me delights in walking through the finished, pretty rooms. 

The other part wishes it didn't take so much energy and foresight to keep them this way. And I still need to declutter and make nicer our guest room and basement, but even as they are right now, they're much more presentable than when it's just us around here.

Of course, you may want to bookmark this post and rub it in my face later if we end up moving, like, three different times in the next year and I'm whining and crying about it all. Heh.

But for today, I'll just continue the decluttering,straightening and cleaning in a peaceful, grateful fashion--enjoying the process and the progress. 

And enjoying Grace and God in all the details.



  1. Good attitude! My sister in law may move to Richmond too from Idaho! Everyone is going there it seems!!

    Good luck on selling your house!

  2. that peace that passes understanding ... it covered us as our house was on the market too ...

    then God was keeping us patient while NO ONE looked at the house at all (and i kept everything neat for 2 months) - until the last day we had it on the market - that's when the eventual buyers came and the house went ...

    then more adventure ensued with the finding of a rental and the eventual (11 months) purchase of our much prayed for condo ...

    but it was all perfect and according to God's plan ... and the stuff i learned about myself in the process - it was worth it!!!

    i'm excited for you guys ... :o)

    our adventures with the Lord continue on ...

  3. Never would or could imagine rubbing your face in it. Peace is a now sort of thing. At least for me it's not based on yesterday's experience or assurance, but upon the moment by moment leaning I'm doing on the one who is in control.

    And isn't it exciting to see how He really is in control.

  4. Oh, Debra.

    No face rubbing - ever.

    Moving is HARD.

    I've learned that even knowing full well that God is in control, it's still a lot of hard hard work.

    We are just beginning to feel settled at our 'new' house.

    I still feel like I need to ask someone if I can touch things here. Especially in the yard.

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I am so glad that you are sensing such peach through Grace, Debra!! "God in all the details" ...the prefect place of rest!!

  6. Anonymous10:37 AM

    People should read this.


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