Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Isn't it wild how everything always seems to happen at once?

I mean, on the vast majority of Tom's typical days off, you'll find us sitting (reclining like slugs) in our Cozy Room, pondering that vital question, "Which of our two Netflix movies will we watch first?"

Or I'll turn to his recliner from my own and say, "Tom, we need to find new hobbies. Or just go someplace. This is pathetic. We are pathetic."

So either our life is like that, or it's like it is now.

Our house is up for sale and I have to keep it clean all the time. We have plans to move to Richmond, but nothing is on paper. We may have to move to a rental somewhere here first. Then Tom flies out to California next week to meet with his family and help decide where his parents should live (of course, that means Tom's planning his itinerary to the millisecond and getting everything in triplicate). 

After I drop him off at the airport, I'll drive back here and meet with the real estate lady for our open house. While Tom's gone, I'll keep this house clean and repairing a few things, also. Pour through Richmond real estate online, pack, and I'll meet with a woman from a listserv I've been part of for 7 years for a book-related outing (but that's fun). 

And of course I'm still overhauling our diet, going organic and trying to learn all there is to learn about nutrition (which involves unlearning a whole heck of a lot of stuff). 

And I'm not even mentioning that McCartney The Cat, had to go to the doctor for a tooth absess and giving her an antibiotic each night is like force-feeding a toddler spinach (ever seen a cat hold its breath and then purposely drool out all the medicine you gave it?).

It's like going from 0 to 60. From one life to a whole other one.

But you know? This is good for me. It's good to be tested on all I have shared with you here, to be challenged: will I choose my ideas or God's? Will I lose my joy and thus, my strength? It's good to view just how real, strong my peace is--or isn't. The places where it can too easily be punctured. 

And it's good for me to remember that this is how many of you live every single day, what with that Life-is-just-one-long-merry-go-round-ride feeling.

Because sometimes I forget. But trust me, lately I've been reminded and oh, my hat is off to each of you. You have my respect--trust me.


John 14:27 ... "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

Ones peace should not be a fragile sort of thing.



  1. I love the way you talk about how much you enjoy just being in each other's company...what better "hobby" is there than that?

  2. Daisymarie--that's a sweet way to look at it...thanks! :) Blessings, Debra

  3. You have a lot on your plate for sure...but I can tell God is holding your hand.


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