Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Are We Having Fun Yet?

 I had to smile when I read Maggie Ann's comment to my last post this morning:

"Sounds like you are having fun."

Well, kinda-sorta.

Actually, it's major test-taking time around my house and life. More than ever I feel God watching me take these tests and we're both discovering whether I've done my homework these past months--or not.

See, last Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m., Tom's mom called and since that meant it was only 5 a.m. her time, we knew there was trouble. There was. While traveling down to their granddaughter's wedding, Tom's dad fell and broke four ribs. Oh dear. For months now, he has been falling and has had strokes. And for months now he--at 80--has refused to move into any type of a senior community (nice, safe duplexes) where he and his wife could live way more comfortably and with some help. 

He says he doesn't want to be with all those Old People over there. Doesn't want to give up any of his stuff.

And well, there's more, but I will spare you.

At first, Tom and I decided we'd both take a trip out there, even though my own parents would be upset that we couldn't travel the few hundred miles to their house this time. Even though I've never had anyone else give Lennon the Cat his daily shots of insulin and ----

But after trying to force things to work out, we decided two major things: Tom will travel--alone--later this month to see his parents. He'll have a meeting with them and his sisters to find some kind of a workable solution. Tom is a wonderful mediator, and well, we both know, no matter how hard I tried to stay silent, I'd say something which would cause the whole situation to erupt like the proverbial volcano.

I'm funny that way.

And when I decided to stay home--poof!--instant peace flooded both of us. But alas! Will I be remaining here twiddling my thumbs? No, that brings me to my other announcement: We've decided to go ahead and sell our house. Or at least try

We both agreed that we'll just rent something so to be free to move when the time comes. 

Because we are moving--most likely to Richmond--but we are moving out-of-state someday, that's certain(?) And we're ready to release this house to the next family who will, hopefully, love it as much as we have.

Also while Tom's gone, I'll do major packing. And you know? Selling the house and packing stuff--to me--sounds much calmer, much more pleasant than flying to California for those few days. And to Tom, going away and doing what he must do sounds like a vacation to him.

Following Grace is like that. Grace has a way of adding ease, strength and enjoyment to anything God has called us to do.

Yet without Grace, well, I'd be sunk. And I'd be failing all these tests.

But so far, so good.



  1. your comment "I'm funny that way." ... made me smile ...

    i'm just thinking how we can compliment our spouses - and vice versa ... and as you've so eloquently described, it works best when we allow God to have HIS way ...

    changes changes changes ...

    ((hugs)) and blessings on your packing, sorting ... and Tom's mediation work!

  2. ch-cha-changes.

    uck. But if staying home to pack gives you peace, that is a good thing. Wow.

  3. Grace - repeat - Grace.

    I needed that, thanks.

  4. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Actually, it sounds like you are not so "funny that way"...ah, reading between the lines. Tis a fine line we walk as a dil!! We had a hard decision once...hubby wanted to go to his niece's wedding. Ok as far as that goes...but the last wedding in family which was my son's, his lovely sister decided to say some very nasty things IN PUBLIC at me. I do not like to fight. I also am not keen on giving her any more chances to do such things. I got quite ill, so he decided it was best I stayed home. I did...ah, so much more peaceful. He was not overly glad he had gone either...but then it is HIS family and not mine...as they have always wanted it to be. Now that the kids are grown...ah what freedom. I get to stay home!! Sounds like you will be MORE than busy!! And I do hope your house will sell well and at just the right time. I think you are being VERY sensible. Renting allows much faster moving!! Blessings!!

  5. I like unpacking boxes so much better...

  6. Debra -
    Thank for sharing this with us. The right decision always brings such peace. I've been where you are and it was right that I not be involved. When the end of my dear father-in-law's life came I was asked to help with the arrangements because of my experience doing the same for my father. Then it was right to be involved - when I was asked to. Glad you have reached a decision about selling the house. It's a good thing to be ready to go when God opens the doors. At times He has opened them very quickly and it's so much easier when you're renting. Enjoy your time alone, packing. ~Adrienne~


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