Thursday, August 02, 2007

It All Matters

Another disaster. The bridge in Minneapolis. Each time something of this magnitude happens, I sit and stare at some of the coverage (no longer allowing myself to watch hours) --and I view my own life, too.

I ask myself if I'd have been ready to die, had I been one of those killed. Would I have been caught-up on all God wants me to do and be for Him? Would I have remained calm, confident that I'd soon be standing in Heaven?

And this morning while I made the bed, I contemplated something else.

I thought one of the saddest things for anyone in this life is the feeling that the way they're spending their days is unimportant--to God, to others, to themselves. How tragic to live each day feeling what you're doing does not matter. Always gazing into the future, believing someday your life will count--but that today, it doesn't. 

Or worse, to feel you don't even have a pound of hope for the future at all.

When I make the bed, it matters. And wash our dishes, clothes and our floors. God has called me to be a keeper of the home and trust me, it matters to Him--a lot--that we not live in filth.Tom supports me and I support him by making our home a restful, healthful place to return to from his job. And by caring for myself, I keep myself ready and able to meet his other emotional, mental and physical needs as well.

Whatever God has called you to do today? It matters. 

What you do and are has far-reaching effects and if you were gone? You'd be missed. A part of all our lives would be missing, if you weren't here--whether you, we, realize it, or not. We all make this world go 'round. Each of us.

I just wanted you to know that today.


And if you have a blog, trust me, that's important, too. You never know when someone will glean a thought, an inspiration, or an ounce of hope from your words... and be forever changed.



  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    What a beautiful, beautiful post.


  2. It's nice to be reminded of this, because it's a truth that is easily lost in daily minutiae.

  3. Thank you for the reminder as I thoroughly clean my house for my sweetheart and for his family coming from another state for a short visit. It does matter! ~Adrienne~

  4. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Another beautiful post Debra, you know I totally agree....thanks once more for the reminder....

  5. that is a very good reminder! i had an old friend today, who asked just that question of herself, does her life matter? ...

    and re the sadness in the twin cities - it is so close to us and we've been on that 35W stretch many times - it felt personal ...

  6. It matters...all those little things.

    This was really powerful to me. Thanks.

  7. Thanks for this. I've always loved your blog.


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