Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Summer Game

I am not a huge fan of summer.

Heat + humidity = one worn-out, spaced-out, dragged-out Debra.

But I do love My Summer Morning Game, otherwise known as Beat The Heat (Before it Beats You).

Here's how I play--

I awaken between five and five-thirty. I arise and walk around our house opening wide all the windows for cool air, brush my teeth and check my email, then feed the cats and give Lennon his shot and make some coffee. Then I carry the coffee (real somedays, pretend on others) upstairs to my turquoise-like-a-day-at-the-beach Dream Room for some quiet time, which lately, means watching Leave It To Beaver on dvd in bed.

Then my yard calls from below, so I dress, brush my hair, slip on my gardening shoes then bring up a glass of birdseed from the basement, which I take outside to the awaiting sparrows. Nearly always our nights here cool way down so my gratitude is great.  Then I water the backyard the old-fashioned way--with a plastic yellow bucket. Stuff just grows better for me that way, rather than using a hose.

At bit more yardwork, front and back then it's back to the house for breakfast which I take, along with Lennon, outside to the front porch. There we read and watch the neighbors leave for work.

I come in later, toss in a load of laundry then wake up Tom. Then perhaps I'll take a walk or drive to the Farmers' Market or -- who knows?

Those four hours sail by like the boats I see on the river, but I play this summer game of Beat The Heat slowly. If I rushed instead of savored it, the coolest portion of my day would be ruined. Instead, there is a natural pace to summer mornings, one quite close to the pace of the old Captain Kangaroo Show. Do you remember him? 

As a child I appreciated those peaceful trips the captain took us on, ones out in the countryside, especially since my home was more stressful than the nature I'd been given by God. I craved peace, even then, as I do now and these mornings--ones I smile and call Captain Kangaroo Mornings while puttering in my cool and shady backyard-- are about as peaceful as peaceful gets. 

But too soon, the summer morning game ends. 

Heat, humidity roll in and I must camp near our air-conditioner in a stillness state. But oh! With lovely memories of those morning hours.


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