Thursday, June 21, 2007

Do you ever do things and think, "I wish I'd done that sooner!"?

That's how I felt after I painted our hoosier cabinet, white. Before, it looked ok in green, but now it sits as a much-loved member of the kitchen. As though it truly belongs.

There are hundreds of details to making a home and this is my season for paying attention to them all. There's a certain feeling you get after you've replaced the old ratty bath towels you've had since your now-adult daughter was in high school and the bed pillows you've had since ? as well as the pillowcases, bedspreads and sheets. 

Strange how we live with all this stuff and only, usually, think to replace it when it develops stains, rust, or shredded, gaping holes. Or how a piece of furniture arrives in one color and it never occurs to us to paint it a new one--or move it to a different corner.

Yes there's contentment, but also? There's using our creativity to fix and better what we have. You know, rather than just complain about wanting something more special.

"I can ask God to help me improve my creativity, you know," I tell myself. "He'll help me use my head, heart and resources if only I'll prefer His ways rather than mine."

But first I must truly believe that.


My funky yard sale find of the morning! Most are in rough (chipped, yellowed) shape which makes them perfect for adding to my collection (the bowls, though, look seldom-used). Some will go upstairs in my turquoise Dream Room, as well as on the high open shelves of my kitchen and perhaps a couple I'll keep on the oval table upon our front porch.


"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things..." Philippians 4:8

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