Monday, May 14, 2007

Peeking Into The Career Box

So there I was, a sophomore in high school during career week.

You know, those days when, at 15, you were supposed to decide what you wanted to be for the remainder of your life. You just (according to the teacher) stepped over to the career box, thumbed through a few career cards and poof! Picked a life-long career. 

Then during the weekend you were supposed to find someone already working in your chosen line of work, interview them, and hand in the interview along with a few of your own thoughts.



Want to know the career I hoped to find in the career box? You'll never guess, so I will tell you.

I hoped to find a Hermit Card in there. (Ha! Wild, huh?)

But there weren't any hermit career cards in that box. I know--I checked.

Yes, at 15 I'd already tired of dealing with people, especially folks who made me feel like I'd been shoved out of a Mars space ship. People who criticized me for being different, hard to understand. Characters who didn't act the way I believed they should, just entire crowds of people because, basically, aside from a few friends, I wanted, at 15, to be left alone.

And well, all these years later I still love spending time alone--as long as it's kept in balance.  I'm a firm believer in too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing so hence, balance is vital.

Some parts of myself haven't changed much since high school, but others have (thank-goodness).  And those? They're the things for which I give God credit because only He can change the parts which are not pleasing to Him, ones not born of His 1st Corinthians 13 type of love He wants me to show to others.

Anyway, just thought I'd share a smile with you this Monday morning.

And really--wanting to be a real-live hermit at 15? Actually picturing myself in a secluded little cabin up in the woods, growing my own food and cutting my own fuel. Alone. Imagine!

All I can say is that I'm so glad that God had a totally different plan.


Anyone else out there who has, at one time or another, wanted to choose the hermit career card?  ツ


1 comment:

  1. Well the whole post on being a hermit made me gasp a few times out loud! Because yes I've been thinking of it my whole life! Were so much alike you and I, after reading your blog for the last few months I feel we are kindred spirits. I'm so fortunate to have been able to find your blog and realize I'm not alone out here in my thinking. Thanks for your honesty, your so brave and I admire that. Happy life to you and your husband. Pearl


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