Monday, April 23, 2007

Opinions and Such

Sometimes I enjoy going all controversial on you so, well, here goes.

Last night I read a blog post where the author mentioned Laura Ingalls Wilder's book, The Long Winter. Personally I love that book. I reread it during the bleakest, snowiest part of winter so I can remind myself to stop complaining that I have it rough. Because I don't. 

Not even close.

Anyway, the blog author found the book depressing (her right, I agree) and she wondered why the Ingalls didn't just move away following that long winter, rather than risk another one like it. And in the comment box? Someone wondered why Pa Ingalls even left his hometown and his relatives in the first place.He should have just remained at home and not dragged his family farther west.

To be my usual nice and sweet self, I'll use this word to describe those kinds of thoughts: naive, with a tad of controlling-nature on the side.

People are funny sometimes. I mean, we've all done things like these:

Our body can't take handle real coffee anymore, so we stop drinking it and feel better. Then suddenly we think no one should drink coffee. We start a whole campaign to get all our friends to stop drinking it so they, also, will feel wonderful.

We've always painted our walls white and --but of course!-- we believe every one's house would look terrific if only they painted their walls, white.

We live in a small, sensibly-priced house and we frown at (and gossip about) anyone who lives in a big, expensive house. (Ditto for a car.)

God convicts us, personally, to give to a certain charity, we do, and then we preach to everyone that they, also, should give to that cause. Or He convicts us to stay home while our children are young and --wham!-- we believe every woman should stay home.

And more.

My favorite teacher once said something like, "People who insist on minding other people's business are usually miserable." 

Boy, is that the truth! God created people to live their own lives in ways He directs--not as we do. And since He's one amazing, creative God?  His designs for each of us are endless. Unique. One-of-a-kind. 

And when we try to control others' choices our way, we butt heads, and hence, the misery.

I love this verse:

"Man's goings are of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own way?" ... Proverbs 20:24

So true! Half the time we're not even sure what God wants us to do and yet we freely advise others what we believe God wants them to do. 

Like, one conviction fits all. Oh my.

Yes, we all have a right to our opinions. But when they hurt others? Eh. Not so much. Nor is it correct to believe our opinions should belong to everyone else.

Lately, I'm attempting to mind my own business and keep my opinions to myself and you know? The peace, it's just rolling in.

Wow, should've tried this sooner.


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