Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Solving a Mystery (Or: Why I Don't Write a Book)

Okay. For years some of you have asked why I don't just write a devotional book and have it published. Something the whole world can grasp in its hands.

I'll try to explain.

Seven years ago while I strolled along our tree-lined and huge-old-house-lined streets one morning, I thought, "It's becoming hard to find a morning devotional book which is fun, interesting and always a joy to read." This was before I could ask people online (like you) to recommend something. I searched Christian book stores and yawned through shelves of the same types of books I'd seen forever. 

Then just when I gave-up ,I found Sarah Ban Breathnach's book, Simple Abundance, by way of Oprah's show. I even drove wildly to the nearest shop that afternoon and bought a new copy (I never do that) and devoured that book over the next three days. Finally I'd discovered something very much like what my mind had imagined--a book of surprises for any day of the year!

Anyway. Years later I began dreaming of creating my own devotional book. I was actually taking another walk when 'As I See It' came to me.

I began writing in a gratitude journal over at Oprah's website. It seemed a perfect way to share with the public this devotional book from my head.

Huh. It was a struggle. Torture. I'd practically sweat drops of blood all over this computer keyboard trying to write meaningful, fun, interesting stuff. And after a few weeks, I gave-up.

Fast-forward three years (or so) and along came blogging. I read a couple blogs, thought I might try it, but nearly quit before I even began. I remember emailing a friend and asking, "Why should I write about my life? Who would want to read about that?" The whole idea felt narcissistic to me. 

But then I just took the plunge. And two-and-a-half years later here I am.

There is no struggle when I write in this blog. No pain or blood-sprinkled keyboard. 

In fact, if I even begin to feel frustration, immediately this comes to my mind: I must be writing this post on my own, from my head--without the help of God or Grace. And that's when I'll arise from this chair and mop the kitchen floor, or something.

So to sum this up, that is why I'm currently not writing a devotional book. Grace just isn't nudging me to do write that book--not yet--and the struggle would be too real without her. 

Yet if God and Grace ever start nudging me to write a devotional book?  I'll scribble away in that writing flow which will they'll sprinkle all over me to make the whole process a delight. Undoubtedly.

And you will be the first to know about it. I promise. Your encouragement will have played a part in a future book so I'll owe that to you. That, and much more.


To everything there is a season... A time to read books... write books... and a time to just watch Life and take notes.


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