Friday, February 16, 2007

Nice? Or Obedient?

God led you all the way... to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands...Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you." Deuteronomy 8:2,5


Lately you'd find me upstairs in my Dream Room watching the second and third seasons of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. And you may be amused, but I'm learning much while watching them.

Wow. That Mary sure was Nice (with a capital N). So Nice to everybody, in fact, her Niceness leads her from one sticky, uncomfortable place to another, giving the writers fodder for dozens of funny episodes as we watch Mary squirm her way out of messes, live in frustration and lie so not to hurt others feelings.

All for the sake of appearing Nice. To everybody in her tv world.

Watching Mary in the middle of her Because-I-Couldn't-Say-No messes, well, is funny, the core of classic tv, but it's become a great visual lesson for me, as well.

Years ago on Oprah, the question was asked, "Does being nice mean letting everyone treat you like a doormat?" I never forgot that show. (By the way, the consensus was 'no.')

Does God want me to be nice? To me, I think He'd prefer that I be obedient. To Him.

And sometimes that means saying no to others. No, really, even if I'm not always certain as to why. Sometimes God is more concerned that I obey the "No, not this time," which I'm hearing in my heart. He might just need to be reassured that He truly comes first with me--instead of people.

And sometimes He wants to see if I can love Him enough to face other people being mad at me. If I can bravely walk with Him while others around me don't understand my choices. Whether He can use me to (unknowingly) test others' hearts--and be ok with that. (I pray, "Use me Lord!" but what about the times He does and I actually feel used?)

There is that, you know. 

Being nice, being kind is good and is usually the order of the day. But also true? One-hundred percent obedience to God just may, occasionally lead me in ways people won't understand--and can I be ok with that?

Thank-goodness, God knows exactly what He's doing. What's left for me? To long to follow Him, His minute-by-minute ways. If I do, I'll always find myself at peace with my decisions, even if others sometimes walk away wondering just what the heck is going on. 

Why wasn't I the nice girl they'd supposed I was?


"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galations 1:10

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