Monday, January 29, 2007

When You Can't Make Your Bed Without God's Help...'re in a very good place.

Let me explain.

Years ago I started over. God was doing amazing things in my life, namely, restoring the joy of my salvation. But so that I'd not lose that joy, He asked me to begin all over again, this time doing things His way, not mine. 

So I agreed that would be best.  Then suddenly! At 36, I felt like a helpless toddler, one whose parent must help her do nearly everything because it all appears too daunting to tackle alone.

Suddenly, it felt as though I couldn't even make my bed without God's help, otherwise known as Grace.

Ok, that probably sounds weird. But not only that, I didn't want to. I no longer wanted to do anything without Grace help and God's presence. And because that became my heart's desire, I felt like a helpless kid and sincerely began relying upon God's for every bit of help for--

painting my walls
grocery shopping
making dinner
running errands
and all the rest.

And guess what? Life became incredibly sweet. 

Why? Because I relied so heavily upon God and Grace for every tiny thing, I began to feel I always had a friend beside me. Like God was always near.

Because He was.
Because I relied upon Him like a helpless child.
Because I am a helpless child without Him.
And where He is, there is liberty (and creativity and joy and companionship and peace of mind and wisdom).

And I cannot imagine a more incredible way to live.


"A man of many companions may come to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." ... Proverbs 18:24

"And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." ... Matthew 18:3

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