Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Lake Thoughts

Sometimes I take adventures alone. Like when I drove to the huge blue-grey river down the street this morning. 

Actually, it felt like Jesus sat in the front seat beside me and all of you were crammed in the back seat. Kinda crowded, but I kept writing this post by way of conversation.  ツ

When I drove into the park, guess who greeted me from above? At least 80 geese in a V formation floating in the grey, wispy sky. I parked the car and finished listening to Patty Griffin's song about making pies (have you heard that one?) while I watched the geese until the last one vanished. I sipped my Burger King coffee and dreamed a bit before reading my book, nibbling my breakfast.

There are women (I know some) who don't have adventures. 

They never sit in a movie theater alone (or with anybody else), eat in a restaurant, drive out in the country or do much of anything else out-and-about (except run errands and chauffeur kids). And these same women seldom go out for coffee with friends or shop with them or do anything more than make an occasional phone call to sustain a friendship. And then, over years, lose friends from neglect, sometimes not realizing those friends walked away until they're lying in a hospital bed and only a husband or child visits.

I try to pay attention to what's happening in my Life, but sometimes I get distracted (who doesn't?) and God has to yank me back to the spot in the road where I careened into a ditch. 

Sometimes it feels like it's not my fault I'm mired in that ditch but nearly always, God tells me yes, it is. If I flew or stumbled into a ditch, then I had my eyes on something other than Him, most likely on problems, frustrations, fears or quite possibly, on decorating, movies or books.

But so very long ago He had Apostle Paul write.."For we walk by faith, not by sight." You'd think I could remember that and never forget.

Maybe that's why I take those drives down to the river even on cloudy, cold days. To recall what gets so easily forgotten in busyness. To pull myself up, with His help, from any ditches or even smaller (boring) ruts I've toddled into.

And to sing along with Barlow Girl the words to their Never Alone :

I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel You by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone

And though I cannot see You
And I can't explain why
Such a deep, deep reassurance
You've placed in my life

We cannot separate
'Cause You're part of me
And though You're invisible
I'll trust the unseen

The remembering He's always there, the never having to doubt anymore just because my feelings are sobbing something contrary. That has made all the difference. That keeps my feet on solid ground.


"I will never leave you, nor forsake you." ... Hebrews 13:5


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