Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas To My Readers

On this Christmas Eve I am wishing all my readers a wonderful merry Christmas--

--and sending my thanks to each of you who leave encouraging comments throughout the year and to those of you who simply visit, read and step away with something to ponder.

--and thanking you, also, for contributing to this dream-come-true of mine, this blog within which I write words from my home where I prefer to spend most of my time. Words which I fling to friends all over the world without my having to leave my home.

Instead, God has simplified (as only He can) what I once, for years, put-off for fear of complication (and rejection slips) and He's, instead, made a way where there was no way for a very long time.

So I thank Him, too, and you again, my Blogland neighbors, who I've been so blessed to meet by way of this blog these past two wonderful years.

Today and tomorrow I'll bake my pies and the turkey and putter in my old-fashioned kitchen and, all the while, wishing each of you a very Merry Christmas with much gratitude.



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