Thursday, November 30, 2006

Don't Compare--Just Be Happy

"Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else..." ... Galations 6:4


When you just have one child, people tend to tell you, in funny and not-so-funny ways, that you should have more kids.

Trust me, I know.

For lots of years, Tom and I had people--especially, but not exclusively, relatives--give us hints, advice, warnings and even prophecies about having more children. And basically, the only result became my frustration, confusion and misery, because, well, it just wasn't happening. Tom and I were only able to have one child 'the old-fashioned way' and when I wasn't being told we should adopt or try this and that, I was happy with the way things were, with our one little bird in the family nest.

Only while I listened to all those other voices and opinions did I flounder. Those words (and the occasional maternal hormone whining inside me) caused me to compare my little family to those who had two or more children and to let nagging, annoying doubts kick me around.

The whole story would take pages, but I'm using it only as an example.

Believe it or not, God knows best (imagine that!). He knows me, knows (and made) the plans He has for me and way back when I struggled with all this, He knew having more children was not in His plan for me--and that today, I would be fine with that. 

Because truly, I am.

The only time I'm not fine? When I start back up with the comparisons. 

But no one's life is one hilarious time after another, no matter how many children they have. And thank-goodness I've grown enough to realize that.

And thank-goodness I also know God gives me Grace for every single thing He assigns me.  It's only when I wander over to places my comparisons take me that I begin flailing, gasping for help.

I could, right now, adopt a whole houseful of children and work at the local orphanage and head-up committees on helping the homeless--but eventually? I'd crumble into heaps of regret. I'd fail, exhausted, because God didn't bring me to those wonderful places. He escorts other people there with the Grace to remain, and I am only unwise and silly when I compare my bits of God-given Grace to theirs.

It's all good--but only when it's all from Him.


"When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise." ... 2 Corinthians 10:12


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