Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Lessons of Waiting

I used to hate to wait for pretty much anything.

Sometimes I still hate to wait, yet waiting is a Good Thing, for I learn lessons while I wait.

Probably the list of lessons would fill both sides of a page, but here is one:

While I'm waiting, I learn whether I really want what I believe I want--or not.

Lightweight example 1: When I bid on books or jade-ite or aprons on Ebay, I never actually place my bid on Ebay, itself. No, instead, I place my bid for the item through Auctionsniper.com. Why? Often while I'm waiting for the auction to close, I change my mind (no, really!). I realize I no longer want that book, that piece of jade-ite after all. Or I find the item cheaper someplace else. And well, it's a breeze to change your mind at Auctionsniper--you just use your cute little index finger to push the delete button. Change your mind at Ebay, and well, good luck!

Waiting gives me time to decide what I truly want, helping me to make right choices and save money, time. 

Lightweight example 2: I keep a wish list at Amazon.com and you know what? I'm surprised at how often I delete books and cd's from my wish list after a few weeks have passed. Or it amazes me that some items remain on my wish list for months because I chose to buy something else with my monthly allowance instead. When something lingers on my wish list for a couple years, it's a sign, for me anyway, that I don't need/want it after all.

There are many more lessons one gains during the waiting process we so often despise. 

But God knows the wisdom of waiting. He knew if we got everything we wanted instantly, poof! We'd not really appreciate anything. And well, our lives would be crowded with things, people and recognition we wanted on a whim or thought we'd die without.

We'd be weighted down with mistakes and junk, instead of walking light and free with the One who knows us like the proverbial book. He has a plan for each of us, one too important to be pushed back a few years because of moods and  flights of fancy.


"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." ...Matthew 6:21

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