Sunday, September 24, 2006

World Trade Center

So there we were yesterday at our favorite time-travel-your-way-back-to-the-1940's theater, the one with 2nd-run movies--and with no idea what we were going to see.

 Highly unusual for us because I'm careful about what I watch (well, mostly) and I always check out this reviewer before I walk into any theater (okay, 95% of the time).

And well, we chose to buy tickets for World Trade Center. I'd not read one word about it, but Tom said he'd heard good things. We bought candy, looked, as always, at the old pre-1950 movie star photos, framed, and lining the long hallway, along with the green and white checked linoleum and pine walls, then went and sat down.

It wasn't a movie for everyone.
It wasn't a movie for families (imo).
But we were both grateful we saw it--for a number of reasons.

I would list those reasons, but I'd rather you just watch the movie for yourself. Or not watch it. As I said, it's not for everyone. But for me, I'm thankful I didn't miss it.

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