Sunday, September 17, 2006

Proud? Moi?

"Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall." ... Proverbs 16:10


Years ago I was taught that impatience is a form of pride.

I was shocked. Because, well, I was always impatient.

At the supermarket I was impatient (silently huffy) if people in the aisles walked slowly, blocking my path or view.  Man, I took it personally and rolled my eyes. Much.

What's wrong with that? Basically, that kind of thinking is really saying, "*I* shouldn't have to put up with this! *I* shouldn't have to wait my turn. And it's totally disregarding just how many times *I've* spent a lifetime searching for stuff in store aisles and reading labels all squinty-eyed. 

At the check-out counter? The same. All those long lines made me roll my eyes. Why didn't these people do their shopping earlier? Or later? And if my line had a slow store clerk, there was more rolling of the eyes and being frustrated that *I* had to wait because of someone else's ineptitude.

Well, why couldn't *I* have done my shopping earlier (or later)? Why, instead, would I expect the whole world to arrange its schedule around me? And by judging a clerk as slow, what I'm really, deep-down thinking is--"If *I* was doing your job, I could do it much faster and more efficiently than you."

But eegads. I've never trained to be a store clerk, I am machine-of-any-type-challenged, my back hurts when I stand too long, I have this hearing problem when there's background noise (I'd be, like, eh? eh?), and I would--most assuredly--be fired my first day. No, really.

Humbling, that is. And all a variety of pride.

Something happened when I (finally) allowed God to point out this kind of stuff to me. I began realizing I wasn't so 'together' after all. And after He worked with me? I started having more patience with others and began enjoying Life more.

Life is sweeter when we stop believing our way is the only one and we give others the break we wish they'd give us.



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