Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Of Tower Rooms, Lessons & Favorite Songs

Well, this is going to be one big, disjointed jumble, I think.

Remember our upstairs guest/music/aerobics/craft/ironing/office room? Just today I came up with a better name for it. Now it's called The Tower Room. 

While standing up there with light streaming through the seven windows and the trees across the way and many rooftops, well, I feel as though I am in a tower. A nice one.

I'm trying to get better about replying to your comments. Maybe you've noticed that if I do reply, it requires 2 or 3 days, which is well, what I call bad form. Maybe if I didn't wait till they all pile up, I could answer them sooner(!)

I've been remembering lately how I need to expect a lot from God, but not from other people. I should let people be who they are, especially if I want them to let me be who I am. (That sowing and reaping thing again.) Though yes, there's also days for confrontation, just as there's also a time for simple, believing prayer when a change is desired. It's the knowing the right time for each that matters. 

Years ago my life became more peaceful when I just accepted that everyone in my life is the way they are. Period. Only God can change them, if He wants and if they want. What freedom one feels when one stops playing Holy Ghost Junior! Trust me.

And along those lines, the verse, "Don't cast your pearls before swine," has been returning to me. Not that anyone in my life is a pig (er hem), but there are two people with whom I cannot share the things I love best. Almost invariably, they'll stomp upon, crush those things I hold dear, upsetting, hurting me and then I'll spend days shaking the whole thing off and hearing God say (albeit kindly), "I've told you not to do that, like, a million times."

Sigh. But at least there are only two people with whom I feel that way. If it was 20 or 200 I'd be concerned that I'd become overly sensitive, wearing my feelings on my sleeve. And well, that is a horrible way to live--always getting your feelings hurt. Trust me-- I know about that one, too. But having learned to follow Grace around, I now try going only where she goes, for when I do, Grace is always there to hand me anything I need to not only survive, but with joy.

God's been reminding me that just because He has people living by a certain schedule it does not mean He wants me to live by the same schedule. He has a custom-made schedule made just for me--all that remains is for me to find it and follow it. And well, I know that. But sometimes I forget.

This is my 777th post. I think that's kind of neat.

Currently I have two favorite songs which they play on Reach FM. One of the songs is called Happy, by Ayiesha Woods. To listen, go here.  Considering how old and decrepit some of you in your 20's think I am (heh), you may be shocked that I like this kind of music. Actually, this is both Tom's and my favorite song--we are both young at heart, I guess.

My other favorite song? One by Mat Kearney called Nothing Left to Lose. Go here. I love, love this song.


P.S. Oh wow! I just now noticed that Blogger put back the little pencil thing, the one that we can click on and be taken instantly to our post so to make changes. My, I hadn't seen that thing in over a year, I believe. I'd nearly forgotten what it symbolized!


"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our
dispositions, and not upon our circumstances." Martha Washington


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