Monday, August 28, 2006

Weekend Pictures And Thoughts

This weekend we went to yard sales once again (imagine that!) and I bought this pillow for $1 and the footstool (with storage inside) for just $2.50. The footstool was a natural wood grain color with a worn-out tapestry fabric, so I quickly painted and covered it so it would feel it belonged in my dream room.

This ottoman is something we found on the curb weeks ago.

This last picture is what you will see when you reach the top of our stairs. the landing just outside my dream room and our guest room. I'll be adding this photo to my other blog, My Old House.

And now for the 'thoughts' part--

For two years, or so, Tom and I have enjoyed reading the big Sunday newspaper together on his Sundays off from work. I make a nice breakfast, coffee, and then we read together either at the dining room table or back in our cozy room or out on our front porch (for variety's sake).

Well, yesterday was the last Sunday you'll find me reading the newspaper.

I mean, I don't even read the front page section (I save that for skimming online each day) no, I just grab the light-hearted sections. And well, if you've not already noticed--the newspaper no longer has any light-hearted sections.

And I think it's because it's rare to even find one light-hearted person anymore, especially one writing for a newspaper. People today appear so burdened, angry, and it seems most people I know (and those I don't) have anything but light hearts nowadays.

And rather than catch the 'heavy heart disease' by reading bitter, unforgiving, unmerciful words about people in the spotlight (a.k.a. Easy Targets), rather than read that what I hold dear is now considered bad/evil/wrong and what I see as bad is now considered right/wise/and just plain good.

I will, instead, choose to read favorite books while I sit with Tom as he reads the newspaper (the sports section, classifieds and store ads being his favorite parts).

So good-bye Sunday morning newspaper. It was pleasant while it lasted,but sometimes a person just has to do what she has to do to avoid disease.

And for the record, I'm not in any way recommending that anyone else stop reading the newspaper. I'm just sharing with you the choice I have made.


"But take heed to yourselves and be on your guard, lest your hearts be overburdened and depressed (weighed down) with the giddiness and headache and nausea of self-indulgence, drunkenness, and worldly worries and cares pertaining to [the business of] this life, and [lest] that day come upon you suddenly like a trap or a noose..." ... Luke 21:34

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