Thursday, August 24, 2006

My New Favorite Radio Station

Around three weeks ago I turned the dial on my old-fashioned radio and discovered Reach FM. I love it! 

The music, the daily devotional thing and even the commercials which are often creatively-done. I've always believed that Christians should be the most creative people on Earth since we serve the God who invented creativity in the first place.

Now, of course, I still like Rodney's radio station (hi Rodney!), but my little old-fashioned radio cannot pick up stations from way over in Australia. Only my computer down here in this dark basement can.

Reach FM can be heard on the radio all along this East Coast and into Eastern Canada, but hooray! If you live out West (or anywhere else) you can listen online here.

Just thought I'd mention this great radio station. My home has enjoyed being filled lately with contemporary Christian music, even wafting for our cats while I drive away on errands. They seem to prefer Reach FM, also.

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