Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Of Blog Anniversaries and Flying Sparks

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." ... Proverbs 27:17


As of today, I've lived and written in Blogland for two whole years.

And what a fun neighborhood! The kindred spirits, the creative people next door and visiting those folks, whenever, no matter the hour.

Bliss, most of it.

And yet, for me, there has been that 'iron sharpening iron' thing. 

God using folks to sharpen (test) me and His using me to sharpen them. Hey, it's not always pleasant, but oh! How much we learn from each other and are changed--for the good.

There is the blessing. If we can stick it out and wait to see and not be blown away by the being used and stretched.

Anyway, a special thanks is going out to each of you today who have stuck it out with me, with all that iron-sharpening going on and everything!


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