Thursday, July 06, 2006

Courage to Decorate---And Beyond...

So where are these from? 

The bedroom of an 11-year-old back in the 1940's? Nah. These photos were taken in my very own upstairs room, Naomi's old room which I took over and redecorated the hour she left home.

It takes a lot of courage to make a room just as you like it and not worry one bit what your neighbors or friends (or fellow bloggers) will think. Probably most people I know don't have that kind of courage--always in their words and decorating are thoughts of how others will respond to (and rave about) their new rooms.

My favorite decorators? They live closely to God's heart, they accept their own uniqueness--and that of others--and are not always jumping back in the box, afraid. 

Instead, they think and dream far away from the box, and are always celebrating something, for there's always something to celebrate and something uniquely ours--and God's-- to express.


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