Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Unfaithful Faithfulness?

Here's one thing I've learned--there is faithfulness and then there is faithfulness.

I mean, if I wrote in this blog every single day (which maybe you noticed I don't), I would be quite the little faithful blogger, indeed.

Or would I?

For me, personally, the answer is a sure "No. No, it would actually be unfaithful of me to blog every single day."

Because you see, I try only to post here when 1.) I feel God is giving me something specific to say or 2.) When I sense God's giving me permission to write about any ol' thing I happen to be thinking about. And for nearly two years, I've experienced much peace in trying to follow those two directives.

So what about the days when I'm hearing neither of those things? What if, to remain true to my (legalistic) idea of faithful blog-keeping, I just blast past God's directions for me straight through to my own idea of what faithfulness looks like?

Well, for me, that would equal disobedience, otherwise known as unfaithfulness (no matter what it looks like to anyone else). 

For me, faithfulness to things is what used to burn me out barely after even 'leaving the gate.' Doing ones own thing, ones own way, nearly always requires some kind of price to be paid someday.

Been there, done that the whole first half of my life.

Now, instead, I'm finding that faithfulness to God--obedience--is the way to go. There's just something calming about obedience to God.

For one thing, God knows me best and He knows how much is too much for me. He also knows exactly just how much time I have/don't have and He's concerned that I stay balanced. 

So, always, His ideas and goals will lead me in balanced ways.

Obedience comes with godly strength. And it means that the results belong to God.

Always, even now, I remind myself that faithfulness to God is incredibly more important than faithfulness to a task, an idea or a dream. They are not the same. 

All the more reason to stick with faithfulness to God. Besides, I'd hate to have my head so consumed by faithfulness to just any old thing and then miss the amazing, custom-made, though hazy-to-me plan God had in mind all along.



  1. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hi there,

    I have a question for the webmaster/admin here at

    Can I use part of the information from this blog post right above if I provide a backlink back to this site?


  2. Sure, John, that's fine. You can use anything here either with a backlink or just a mention of my blog. Thanks for asking! Blessings, Debra


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