Thursday, June 29, 2006

That Annoying Reaping and Sowing Thing

"Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously." 2 Corinthians 9:6


Funny how often I've forgotten about that verse (and then complained when I did nothing and--gasp--reaped nothing). Or tried to find a different way, outsmarting God's plans and ways and designs.

But there's just no getting around verses like that one, though Heaven knows I've tried.

It often takes me days or weeks to answer emails and then I've complained that my friends sure do take forever to write back.

Some years I've spent little money and time working on my yard and then driven around town questioning why my neighbors have such beautiful flower gardens yet I don't.

I've not left many comments at other peoples' blogs and then wondered why my own comment box was like an empty canyon.

I have this weird thing about not liking to phone people yet I've sulked when friends never call me.

I've been critical and unmerciful toward others and then questioned why others were critical and unmerciful toward me.

Someday I plan to stop trying to get around biblical principles. Probably God will throw confetti and blow horns in celebration.


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