Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Spreading The Light

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." ... Matthew 5:14


"...And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? ...As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"... Romans 10:14,15

I have some confessions to make.

Tom and I were handed a "Christian Business Directory," and yet I still shop at many places where the owners don't admit to be saved. I like to take Jesus with me when I go to those places.

I didn't ask my dentist if he was a Christian before I began going to him. I hoped to take the Light to his office.

Tom and I have friends who aren't Christians and sometimes He opens doors for us to share Him with them.

I belong to some secular listservs. I share my life there and God slips into my writing because He's a huge part of my life. (And sometimes people email me privately and want to hear more.)

When Naomi was growing-up, we allowed her to play with kids who attended different churches than ours and children who weren't Christians. She went to secular school--and was a light in a dark place. She shared stories with us of opportunities given her to share Jesus in the classroom and our mouths often fell open. 

(Though if she were young in today's world, yes, I might homeschool her, not because of the kids in today's schools, but the curriculum being taught.)

Of course, we all must do what we feel God is calling us to do.

God places people in strategic places--work, school and market places so that His will will be done and His light will be cast as shining seeds all over the land, growing into something amazingly bright.

And that is why here, in this blog, you will (hopefully) never hear me slinging around vast, broad assumptions, generalizations, rules, and declaring my choices are the ones God dictates to everyone and woe to you if you don't believe and follow exactly-to-the-final-dotted-i as I do.

To me, that is horribly like trying to squish and shove a great big, creative, enormous, creator of the universe God into a tiny bracelet box. And He will not go there. He refuses to--and cannot. It's against His nature.

He is even bigger than I can imagine Him to be and I hate it when I bring Him down to my oh-so-limited ways of thinking. How uncomfortable He must feel when I try.


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