Thursday, May 11, 2006

Whatever You're Doing--It Matters

(For the men reading this--hang in there. This is for you, also.)

"Begin believing that the time, energy and emotion you invest daily in the soulcraft of homecaring--carving out a haven for yourself and those dear to you--is a sacred endeavor. Life holds no more guarantee for us than it did for our Victorian foremothers yet they faced the future with full hearts, determined to create a lasting work of art; a happy, secure, and beautiful retreat of love and laughter. We can, too." (From Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach)

Something amazing happened when I finally realized that when I'm washing dishes, planting my garden, folding the laundry, mopping the floors -- it matters.

Whatever God's asking me to do is important.No where else on earth could anything be more so. Personal obedience to God is big stuff--it doesn't get any bigger than that.

The most discontented people I know are those who travel to work believing they should be doing something else. Something better, higher, more meaningful and important.

Nothing we do is unimportant. 

Every task we complete means something to God, if not to anyone else. And where we get into trouble is when we believe that isn't good enough, that our worth is measured only by appreciative people. 

But to receive appreciation from God? We need to lean closer toward Him to hear Him better.

But we too often lean the other way--toward people and what they think and say about what we do. 

Whatever our job--it matters. It matters how we do what we do. The discipline matters, the faithfulness, the lessons we learn in the middle of it all. All of it, vital.

God rewards faithfulness. And promotion first goes through God's hands before it comes down through 'the boss' and then to us. Promotion comes from God and He knows just the right time to hand it to us. He's been watching all along and He knows when we are ready for the next thing. 

Everything matters more than we realize:

Time with God
Time with family
Our home
Our yard
Our friendships
Our job
Our chores
Our blog
Our choices
Our car maintenance
Our personal maintenance
Our kindness to strangers & animals
Our words
Our tone
Our deeds
Our smile
Our attitude.

Vital, real, eternal. All.


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