Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Lack of Faith--What It Will Get You

"And He did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith." Matthew 13:58


I see a lot of miracles.

Oh, most people probably would call them something else. Coincidences. 'Just one of those things' or a lucky find, just a sunny day, a surprise phone call or money you'd forgotten was coming. 

Some people say miracles never happen today, but to me? Miracles happen all the time--they just come in varying sizes and you have to adjust your vision to see them.

Along the way, I'm learning what keeps miracles away and what encourages them to come. I want Jesus to do many miracles here, and so my lack of faith must go.

My faith is lacking when worry makes my body stiff and sick. When I'm doubting that God can handle my big problems or those of my family, when stress is making my poor old head throb.

My faith is lacking when I'm praying, yet at the same time believing things will never change. When God tries to soothe me yet I toss His hand away and exclaim, "But this problem is big!"

Real faith is a sign of growth, of having passed a few Faith Tests with courage and a calm trust with a strong belief that God will come through just in time.

I don't want my lack of faith to hurt Jesus' feelings. 

I'd rather die than step up to Him, all doubtful, and accuse Him of not loving me, of not being able to take care of me. That would be like saying the same thing to my husband and I know that would blow him away. Yes, Jesus is big enough to handle what we throw at Him, yet He also can be hurt, grieved, by our doubt-filled, oh-ye-of-little-faith accusations aimed at His very character.

May I never again have a lack of faith which hurts Jesus' feelings. I don't want my lack of faith to keep Him from performing one single miracle in my life and I'll take all the miracles I can get.


"Then he touched their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you." ... Matthew 9:29

"He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm." ... Matthew 8:26

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