Wednesday, April 05, 2006

That Awful Woman(?)

I'm no fool. I know lots of women hate/abhor/distrust that Proverbs 31 gal. You know, the smug lady also known as The Virtuous Woman. 

I wish that for every scathing article about her I've read, a dollar would suddenly appear in my hand. I'd be rich. 

But personally, I don't understand where all that hatred is coming from. I mean, how can you hate any scriptures which give you permission to SHOP?:

"She selects wool and flax ...
She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar...
She considers a field and buys it. She sees that her trading is profitable...
All of her family are clothed in scarlet...
She is clothed in fine linen and purple..."

You gotta love those shopping verses, don't you? Especially that part about her bringing her food from afar--if that isn't permission to order new-to-you, exotic foods from other countries online, well, I don't know what is!  シ

When it comes to this Proverbs 31 Woman, can't we lighten up? Can't we just use her example as something to aim for? (And no, not with a gun. Heh.). But instead, can't we take a verse like this one,

" She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks."

--and simply let it motivate us to get escape our funk (or off the recliner) and have a better attitude about our work? Can we let it inspire us to work-out, exercise, and become strong so we're not always throwing-out our back?

And could we possibly let this next verse help us keep a sensitive, giving heart?:

"She opens her arms to the poor
and extends her hands to the needy."

Can't these verses simply bring some balance? 

Personally, I love being challenged.
I appreciate a hard-hitting sermon, rather than a "just-keep-doing-what-you're-doing" one.
I long to be inspired to do and be something greater.

And if you've read this far, I believe you want something higher to aim for, too.

Good for you. You are a Virtuous Woman (or a Virtuous Man) in-training. Keep up the good work. 

Already you may be an inspiration to many people, whether you've seen them watching you, or not.


Be sure to check out SarahLynn's post about the Proverbs 31 Woman in her bedroom. I was absolutely inspired by all her words and pictures!


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