Friday, March 24, 2006

The Incredible Day Ahead of Me

I'm excited about today. I can hardly wait to live it.

Here is a multiple choice test for you. Can you guess why I'm so excited about this day? Choose one:

A.) Tom and I are traveling to Disney World and we'll be there a whole week.
B.) I won $1,500 in the lottery and I'm going big-time shopping today.
C.) A dear old friend from Nevada is coming to visit.
D.) I'm going to a Victorian tea party.
E.) My first book is hitting the stands today!
F.) Tom and I are taking a romantic river boat ride.
G.) All of the above.
H.) None of the above.

Ok, so which answer did you choose? Are you ready for the correct answer? The correct answer is..... drum roll.... H.) None of the above.

Heh. Not that I wouldn't love any of those things (how do you think I came up with that list?). 

No, but still, I'm thrilled about today because it's one of my altogether-rare Suzy Homemaker Days. Yep, that's all!

Tom drove away at 6:30 a.m. to work day shift so now I get twelve whole, golden hours to myself. And ok, so I am car-less, but who cares?

I can feed the backyard birds, drink coffee and read books upstairs in my dream room and spend time up there with God, Himself. I can catch-up on my email or write an old-fashioned letter (remember those?).

During Regis and Kelly I might wash dishes and laugh with my arms in suds. I can make my own mixes and tuck them away in little sandwich bags in secret places. Maybe I'll wear an apron, iron clothes and watch a lovely movie or listen to Big Band era music and feel like I've traveled back in time.

I can take a walk past big old family houses built in 1910, houses where other homemakers are busy and happy inside or walk to the convenience store and smile at everyone I see. Oh, and bring home a snack.

Oh! After that list, I must begin this special day. (And may your day be even more remarkable.) 


P.S. Would you like to go on an incredible snow trip right this very minute? Go here and start clicking on 'previous'. Do not stop clicking until you reach the horse-drawn sleigh (you can stop sooner, of course, but I'd hate for you to miss the horses and sleigh in the photo labeled, At The Tree Farm). 

This woman is one amazing photographer and you are in for an unforgettable snow vacation!


"When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other." ... Chinese Proverb

"Any day is what you make of it..."


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