Saturday, February 11, 2006

"So, Like, How Am I Doing?"

Somewhere along the way I discovered some things, namely it:

--ruins my day to get my feelings hurt about little things.
--takes much concentration and energy to hold a grudge.
--requires too many idle words to gossip about how others treated me.

My life became sweeter, more peaceful when, instead of automatically becoming upset with other people, I chose to ask God, "So, like, how am I doing?"

"Have I spent this whole day under a cloud because of what was said to me? Am I toying with becoming a recluse?"
"Was my verbal reaction to that criticism something you, Lord, would have said?"
"How about my emotional reaction? Are my feelings headed down, down into a spiral?"
"Am I learning the lessons I'm supposed to be learning through all this?"

Oh, the difference! 

I can't change others, but I can, with God's help, change myself. And also? I can forgive others--and move on.

God gives me the power, the energy to change, but He does not give me power to stay upset with people. So that's what wears me out.

So may I make right choices so I can keep going and going and ---


"Love hardly even notices when others do it wrong." 1 Corinthians 13:4

"One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life." Chinese Proverb

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