Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Jungles of Confusion

On Tuesday night the fog rolled out of my head and the sun arose, making Life appear good again. How good to feel good!

During my Flu Days, Tom and I watched probably 14,000 dvd's (well...), but on one of them, a young man doubted whether he should continue his training to become a priest. Taking time off, her later shared his doubts with his own priest who had some, ok, I'll say it--rather dubious advice. He chuckled and asked the young man, "Is that all? All these years later, I'm still waiting to feel certain that I should have become a priest." He went on to tell him, basically, that you just have to hope you've made the right choice, do the best you can, yada, heard-it-all-before, yada.

What's up with that? I think this is true:

"A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1:8.

I've found there's zero peace in making a decision, then wondering whether I should have made a different one. That's more like fear--fearing I've missed God, disappointed Him or that I'll never feel fulfilled no matter what I choose.

Yikes! Fear brings torment (1 John 4:18). And that's the last thing God wants us to live with. (Can you imagine?)

I've found that crumpling-up my own agenda helps me make more right choices. I make fewer wrong decisions when I'm not in this life for myself, but rather, for whatever God asks. His ways are always right and He's never made a mistake in His whole life.

Such great comfort--I can be led by Him! And if I make a mistake? He'll be there to right my wrongs and lead me back to correct paths.

It's my own agenda where I become lost and mess up everything.

We walk by faith, yes, but we are also led by God. His ways? Always the right ones so what remains is that I stay oh so close to Him. Listen. And obey.


"For He is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order." 1 Corinthians 14:33

"...because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Romans 8:14

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