Wednesday, January 18, 2006

When You Want a Different Talent (Or, Those Poor Kids on American Idol)

Like a few million other people, Tom and I watched American Idol last night (she confesses).

We'd been anticipating it and as always, it did not disappoint. Well, maybe a little. I mean, although it's great fun to hear the awful, delusional wannabe's, it would have been equally nice to hear more from those who could actually sing. All that squawking! And for so long. A few times, peace-loving, God-fearing Tom and I threw walnuts at the tv screen and moaned, "For heaven's sake, put the kid out of his misery!"

Well, anyway, American Idol, for me, is a great case study in human nature gone awry. Those poor kids--the ones who truly believe they can sing, but who, oh my, cannot. Why do they do this to themselves? Why do they buy airline tickets or drive thousands of miles just to stand before judges who will, quite likely, fling the truth at them, "That was horrible. You are not a singer!"? (Actually, with Simon being involved, you're likely to hear much worse-- words which just may sear your soul for forever.)

The reasons for this self-asked-for torture are many and varied, I know. Some people just crave recognition--whether it be fame for greatness or idiocy--it matters not. And well, I do realize the list is endless why nice, decent kids would subject themselves to such incredibly-public humiliation.

But what stands out to me most, year after American-Idol-year, is that thing of not accepting ones own God-given talent. Of craving, instead, a spotlight talent. Of so strongly desiring a gift/calling which will bring (they believe) huge accolades, applause and acceptance by the masses.

It's simple to watch those clueless kids who try out for American Idol and pity them. And yet, how many of us have the exact same mindset? Which of us have wished we had the 'in front of the curtain' talents? The ones everyone applauds, flinging awesome appreciation?

This is way too big for a simple blog post, but all I know is that talents and callings are given to help and encourage mankind--the other guy, not ourselves. 

It is in the giving that we receive. And there is no better gift or talent anywhere than the ones we already have been given. Life gets exciting when you use your own, custom-given gift and if there is no joy in the giving of it, the fault is our own. Not God's, not our parents', our siblings', the general public's, not even Simon Cowell's.

What if? What if all the unhappy wannabe's who spent energy, time and money traveling to the American Idol try-outs had, instead, put all that into discovering what their real talent was? Then afterward, what if they proceeded to develop those talents into something exceptional?

It's hard to imagine a world where millions of people faithfully, masterfully used their God-given talents, isn't it? It's especially difficult because too often what we see, instead, are people wanting what others have worked hard for and the happiness which comes from a job well-done. 

What we more often spy are people longing for fame and appreciation which proceeds some gifts, thinking that fame meets the deepest needs of human hearts.

But it never will. Only God meets those deepest needs. There is an incredible secret there. I hope you've found it, also.


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