Friday, December 30, 2005

What Will The New Year Bring?

Wow. Have you read the latest news? I just found this in my Yahoo News box this morning. Seems now the latest thing is Swedish anti-Christian jeans! (You might want to read the article before you finish reading this post of mine.)

So it's all in our imaginations that Christians are the new popular-to-hate enemy? So we all just have persecution complexes, right?

Obviously, 2006 will be a very interesting year, indeed, for Christians. I believe that in 2006 it will become obvious that it's no longer enough to just have a message. Instead, each of us will need a message and a victorious life to match it, one filled with the power which comes from true humility and true Godly love and wisdom.

Anything less will not be enough. Just being like parrots mimicking what we have been taught will only lead to lots of parrots being eaten--or flying away in retreat.

At least, that is what I am seeing for 2006. And personally, I am excited to see what is coming toward us just around the corner. I am preparing for it during this relative time of quiet. It will be too late to prepare in the middle of the harder days ahead.


"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." ...1 Peter 5:8

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