Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Onward Christian Soldiers?

I have a dressing table closet--looks like something from the 1940's with its pink and white wall stripes and long floral skirt. 

This morning I sat there putting on my make-up and humming that old hymn, Onward Christian Soldiers,when suddenly I stopped and just stared into the green framed mirror in front of me.

I asked myself, "Just where are these Christian soldiers today?"

In my mind, I tried to see brave souls marching forward with great courage in the midst of danger and threats and jeering, but instead I saw the great fields of God Blogs wounding their own with accusations of all kinds--

--and I saw 'soldiers' lying in fetal positions because their feelings had been hurt by the immature actions of friends and relatives and many stomping off the fields because they'd been offended by unkind words of strangers.

Still others were offended because God did not act according to the way they'd been taught that He would and some limped away, injured, because they'd kicked themselves so often for their own mistakes.

Many actually ran bravely into battle against the enemy, but fell early because they chose to fight as they saw best, instead of with God's wisdom and other Christians, well, they simply sat, crying into their cappuccinos.

What I saw was a massive, bloody, confused battlefield and I knew just one thing for certain--somehow, we had better all band together, in unity, love and wisdom, or we'll continue to lose the battles we are not winning now.


"And Jesus said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand..." Matthew 12:25

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." ... Ephesians 6:12

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