Friday, December 09, 2005

I Surrender All

I came in from shoveling snow this afternoon and, lo and behold on tv, Oprah was standing with Faith Hill and sharing a testimony. Twenty years ago she'd learned about surrendering--doing what you can and then surrendering what you wanted so badly, to God.

And then Faith Hill sang the old hymn, I Surrender All.

Then oh my... that amazing, life-giving, healing name of Jesus was broadcast into millions of homes as Faith Hill sang that song. "All to Jesus I surrender, make me, Jesus, wholly Thine. I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live..."

And I closed my eyes and smiled and smiled and was blessed because I could see that this was 'one of those God things.' One of those incredible things only God could arrange and set-up--the broadcasting of His name throughout the land--everywhere where Oprah's show is aired.

And inside I laughed because here was a miracle before my eyes and yet I could just hear "the religious people" whining, blogging:

"Oh, but that's not an amazing thing at all!"
"I mean, Oprah is Oprah, you know. She doesn't believe like we do."
"And look what she believes about marriage! She's just living with Stedman, for goodness sake."
"And Faith Hill. She doesn't live like we think she should, either."
"And how much power was there involved? This song was not performed and sanctioned by the church, was not sung inside a church and was not sung by a woman of the church!"

And I just laughed because God is going to do what God is going to do!

He's not going to need our permission to do it, either. If He wants the name of Jesus sung on national and international television, then He's going to see that's it done on probably a show which will rile up the most straight-laced "religious folk" possible. ('Way to go, Lord!)

And all I know is that we'd better be on board with Him when He does whatever He does. All of it. Whether we understand it or not, (it will probably be 'not').

Whatever God does and however He does it, I want to be watching in great anticipation, for I am so tired of hearing all about the pretty little boxes "the religious folk' have got God all wrapped up in. How He is only going to move one way and no other. I am ready to see Him burst out of those gaudy little boxes, crushing and stomping each one beneath His feet.


"...that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth..." ... Philippians 2:10

"It is by the name of Jesus Christ ...Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." ...Acts 4:10,12


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