Wednesday, November 23, 2005


This Thanksgiving I am thankful that Tom does not have to work on Thanksgiving Day (as he's had to many, many years past). 

--I am thankful for my husband and daughter and all our friends and family.

-- I'm thankful that I can afford to feed the sparrows, cardinals and finches in our backyard every day and that our town is not buried in snow right now, just powdered with it.

-- I am thankful for this blog which allows me to share how I feel with so many of you. I am thankful for you who read my feelings.

-- I'm thankful for the way the sun shines through my windows and makes our furniture and knick-knacks look nicer than they really are. I'm thankful for the geese which fly, honking, over my rooftop.

-- I am thankful for email which enables me to keep in contact with friends whose houses I used to live near.

-- I'm also thankful for my job, that of being a homemaker. I'm thankful I live in the United States...

-- I am thankful for shelves and shelves of old-fashioned books behind glass.

-- I'm thankful that God did not give up on me during my Incredibly Stubborn Years. I'm thankful I'm no longer in my 20's or 30's and basically. I'm just plain thankful for every new day which God gives me to walk beside Him.


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