Friday, November 18, 2005


I opened the curtains to a winter wonderland this morning. And it was the good kind of snow--the kind that looks like God just shook out enough to give us a light coating, one which will melt by ten if the sun stays out.

If only our summer hadn't been so record-breaking hot and humid. This morning I'm trying not to resent a summer which kept me inside away from light, trees and my walks which are more like backward time travel trips. 

And now? My winter days will be spent inside, also.

Oh well. Attitude, attitude, attitude. You'll not find me in the throes of I Can't Help It Disease (i.e. I can't help it if I hate winter.I can't help it if I'm cold all the time. I can't help it if the darkness gets to me.). Because I can help it. I can help just about anything with God's help. 

Including my attitude.

With God's help. If only we could always remember that God is the one who wants to change us. He doesn't expect us to change ourselves--He knows we are but dust. He does expect something though--He expects us to cooperate with Him while He is working on us. 

We try so hard to change, but if we succeeded on our own, we would take the credit for those changes. We'd bow to applause (if just in our hearts) and smile, feel proud of ourselves.

But God wants more. He wants to change us because it gives credit and glory to Him. His changes reflect Him so that others can see Him and His changes are better than what we dream up. 

His changes are lasting.


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