Saturday, October 15, 2005

A Question For My Readers

Here's something I've been wondering for the last couple years and well, the last couple hours, also--

Do most people, generally speaking, become more anti-social as they age (say, after they turn 45 or 50)? Or do most people become more social (sociable)?

I guess I'm asking for a number of reasons. In some ways, I've definitely become more reclusive and yet, mostly, I still love spending time with people--just not steadily, day after day.

And I do not like parties, good, bad, Christian, or otherwise. Even while I was young (eons ago) I never loved parties, but now I can come up with an excuse to avoid them with lightning speed. My quickness with excuses amazes me.

And too, I've noticed that Tom is much less social than he used to be. Much. Less. Social. (I'll spare you details, but I've noticed that many of my favorite people set him on edge after awhile.)

And I've seen that same trait in lots of other men, husbands of my friends, etc.

So what do you think? Is this pretty typical or just plain odd? Does it usually just depend upon the person and his/her personality? Or is it more like something which just tends to happen around 50 or so? Do anti-social, reclusive tendencies tend to go away, say, after 60 or 65?

I'd appreciate your comments concerning this. It's rattling around in my brain today because after spending 14 days with my parents in our house (and in our car), Tom and I today have been, shall we say, getting on each other's nerves bigtime.

(The details would probably be funny if I wrote about them, but right now, I'm not feeling much like laughing.)

For today, anyway, Pollyanna has left the building. 


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